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关于”中秋节的结尾“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The end of the Mid Autumn Festival。以下是关于中秋节的结尾的四年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The end of the Mid Autumn Festival

The Mid Autumn Festival is a very busy festival in Singapore. A month ago, moon cake lanterns began to appear on the market. Moon cakes not only satisfy people's luck in eating good things, but also are used to worship the moon.

In addition to the moon cakes, which are presented to each other by relatives and friends, another festival boutique of the Mid Autumn Festival is "Grapefruit". For young people, they are interested in all kinds of exquisite lanterns, and they are also making profits Singaporeans can also take part in the Mid Autumn Festival Party sponsored by the public or clubs. The whole family can also enjoy enjoying the moon and doing good things together.

In addition, the children's lanterns are added to make them warm and harmonious The atmosphere of the Mid Autumn Festival is strong, and the celebration is more common. We suggest hanging lanterns in public places, while sponsors play lantern riddles and so on.


中秋节在新加坡相当热闹的节日到了一个月前,月饼灯笼开始上市月饼,不仅满足人们吃好东西的运气也用来祭拜月亮,除了月饼是亲戚朋友互赠的节日精品,中秋节的另一种节日精品是“柚子”对年轻人来说,让他们感到兴趣是各种制作精美的灯笼,他们也在利用节日的机会,展示制作彩灯的人才,成年人也可以在每年一次的彩灯制作比赛和装饰彩灯博览会上尽情娱乐 新加坡人也可以参加由民众接触或会所赞助的中秋节晚会全家人也欣赏赏月一起做好事,在家里摆瓜果、月饼,再加上孩子们的灯笼,温馨、和谐 为了使中秋节气氛浓厚,庆祝活动更为普遍,我们建议在公共场所挂灯笼,同时赞助商玩灯谜和所以在活动中。


The Mid Autumn Festival, also known as the Mid Autumn Festival, the Mid Autumn Festival, the August Festival, the August Festival, the moon chasing Festival, the Mid Autumn Festival, the daughter's day or the reunion festival, is a traditional cultural festival popular in many ethnic groups and Chinese cultural circles. It is on the fourth day of the lunar calendar, because it is half of autumn, so it is named. In some places, the Mid Autumn Festival is set in August.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/ron7n9e1.html

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