记日记的英文_Keep a diary 2篇

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记日记的英文_Keep a diary 2篇

关于”记日记“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Keep a diary。以下是关于记日记的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Keep a diary

Today is the day for our primary school students to get together. A week ago, we made an appointment to go back to primary school at 9 o'clock. We all arrived at the school gate.

The guard asked us what to do. We replied that we just wanted to walk in the campus he let us into. When I entered the campus, I felt so familiar and warm.

Some things changed, but many of them were the same We went to the classroom where we used to live. There are many memories. I clearly remember where my seat is.

Primary school life is leisurely and interesting. We have a lot of time to play together. Our classmates play together.

I miss the life of primary school very much. In my mind, what is the most beautiful and unforgettable memory.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/ro6279o3.html

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