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关于”疫情居家的日子“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Days of epidemic at home。以下是关于疫情居家的日子的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Days of epidemic at home

When the summer vacation comes, I will be very happy, because my family and I will travel. I like traveling very much. I can not only see the beautiful scenery, but also spend time with my parents.

I feel very relaxed. I don't need to study. I just play and enjoy my time.

This is my happiest day.




On the day of the last month of the lunar calendar, the kitchen god returns to the sky to report the family's activities in the past year to the Jade Emperor (in Chinese mythology, the Jade Emperor is the emperor). On this day, the kitchen god appeased the kitchen god, so that he would give a preferential treatment report to the Jade Emperor. Traditionally, the image of Kitchen God would be burned.

As a symbolic act of parting, some gold or silver money would also be burned in some families. Before burning the image of Kitchen God, their lips are smeared with honey or sugar solution, which will increase the possibility of only sweet food. According to the kitchen god, the kitchen god will not be in the kitchen shrine from January, during which time, it will be cleaned up and ready to return on New Year's Eve.


在农历最后一个月的月日,灶神回到天上,向玉皇大帝(中国神话中,玉皇大帝是天王)报告家族过去一年的活动。这一天,灶神对灶神采取了绥靖的行动,这样他就会给玉皇大帝一个优待报告 传统上,灶王爷的形象会被烧掉,作为一种象征性的离别行为,在一些家庭中,一些金或银的钱也会被烧掉。在烧掉灶神的形象之前,他们的嘴唇被涂上蜂蜜或糖溶液,这将增加只有甜食的可能性据灶神所说,从年月日起,灶神将不在厨房的神龛里,在这段时间里,它将被打扫干净,为除夕归来做准备。


Today is Saturday, my mother told me to wash clothes, because the summer is coming, I want to wash the winter things, and then put them aside. First, I washed all the winter clothes, then I washed the quilts. I felt very tired, and then took a rest for half an hour.

I began to wash my shoes. I washed all the things. I felt that my hands were not mine.

But I was glad to be able to do so many things well.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/e438a65o.html

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