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关于”新能源“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:new energy。以下是关于新能源的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:new energy

With the advent of the 21st century, scientists like natural resources, oil, coal and other non renewable energy that can provide energy for fewer scientists are developing new energy. This new energy is inexhaustible and is known as energy. I was born in Shandong city, which is known as "the world's solar energy city".

Dezhou is a widely used and reasonable present of solar energy In Dezhou, the development of solar energy industry has been relatively mature. In September this year, many enterprises have already owned solar energy. Dezhou will hold the Fourth International Solar City Conference.

Solar energy, low-carbon economy, environmental protection and new energy will be the ideal solar energy for power generation and heating (water and solar energy water heaters, solar street lamps, solar vehicles, solar energy products) as more clean energy and Low carbon economy is attracting people's attention. It is found that in Texas, solar energy can make money. Originally, solar energy is widely used, because it only needs solar energy for power generation and heating.

In the life of the sun, there are five billion years of small solar roof, which is equivalent to a Watt generator. The solar energy that can generate electricity in a few years has been popularized. Low carbon and environmental protection make us enjoy the happiness brought by sunshine.




Energy China is rich in energy resources, such as coal and oil, which are the two pillars of the development of national industry and science and technology. In the past few decades, China has done a lot of work to increase the production of coal and oil. These energy resources are being consumed rapidly.

In the four modernizations, new industrial and scientific projects are springing up like mushrooms. They are all huge consumers of energy resources. In order to avoid the future energy crisis, there is a great waste of these resources.

The government must first take measures to let the people know that through education, we should attach importance to energy conservation and vigorously develop solar energy and land We have reason to be optimistic about new energy such as heat energy.




Everyone is responsible for environmental protection. Pollution has become a global problem. Air, Haihe and soil pollution are extremely harmful to human beings, animals and plants.

Because there are more and more cars, so the exhaust emissions are also increasing. At present, our air pollution is very serious, which is also very harmful to our health. The water source we destroy is also extremely serious.

If we go on like this, I will Human beings will perish for us. Therefore, we must take effective anti pollution actions to purify the environment and protect the ecological balance. For example, we can plant trees to prevent soil erosion, we can develop new energy and other environmental protection.

Everyone has the responsibility.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/7o343yev.html

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