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关于”经历的挫折“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Experienced setbacks。以下是关于经历的挫折的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Experienced setbacks

Some people think that the only child doesn't need the experience of frustration, which is the change of life. The only child should not be strictly required in their eyes. The experience of frustration makes these sensitive children feel that they are weak.

Therefore, it is harmful to their mental health to disappoint the only child in spirit. Some people hold the opposite view. They think that the frustration experience is good for the only child Beneficial, it encourages children to practice their skills and abilities, overcome their weaknesses, and achieve the goal of adapting them to the reality and competitive society.

Experiencing some setbacks may help to shape their personality. In my opinion, frustration experience should be advocated urgently in the future. In today's changing era, the road to success starts from the beginning.

Our world is a world full of competition. If only children have never suffered setbacks, in the long run, they will not bear the responsibility of life What kind of setbacks or failures? Some early setbacks may prepare them for future challenges.




Some people think that the only child does not need the experience of frustration, which is the change of life. In their eyes, the only child should not be strictly required. The experience of frustration makes these sensitive children feel that they are weak.

It is harmful to the mental health of the only child to belittle the only child in spirit. However, some people hold the opposite view Experience is beneficial to the only child. It encourages the only child to exercise their skills and abilities and overcome their weaknesses.

In my opinion, to achieve its goal, let them adapt to the reality and the fierce competition society, and experience some setbacks may help to shape their future personality. Frustration experience should be urgently advocated, and frustration experience can gain new significance in today's changing era The road to success starts from the beginning. Our world is a world full of competition.

If only children have never encountered any setbacks, they will not suffer any setbacks or failures in their life in the long run. Some early setbacks may prepare them for the challenging problems in the future.




We stayed in Hangzhou for three days. If there is a heaven, this is Hangzhou. The city is famous for its charming West Lake, which attracts many tourists.

We are very happy to see the Dragon Boat Race rowing in the West Lake, walking in the old streets and listening to myths and legends.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/6vov65oa.html

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