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关于”吃饭“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:having dinner。以下是关于吃饭的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:having dinner

In my opinion, eating at home is a good thing, because there are many advantages. First of all, the food we eat is cheaper than the food outside. Secondly, the food is not only fresh but also various, that is to say, we can enjoy a lot of delicious food, because we want to eat at home, you can have more time to communicate with people.

Your family is good for your relationship with your family. Now eating at home is ignored by many people, but its benefits are obvious and undeniable.




When I eat, I am used to watching TV, which makes me very happy. Although my parents have taught me to focus on eating, I still like to keep my bad habits one day. I see from the news that bad eating habits have too many adverse effects, so I decided not to watch TV when I eat.




Dining out sometimes we are tired of homemade meals, sometimes we don't want to cook, and then we choose to eat out. It may be a bit expensive, but it's fresh, and it's in a pleasant environment now, more families want to eat out on New Year's Eve. It's reported that many people welcome the new year to eat in restaurants.

It's really interesting.


外出就餐 有时我们厌倦了自制的饭菜有时我们不想做饭然后我们选择在外面吃它可能有点贵,但它是新鲜的,在一个愉快的环境中吃 现在,更多的家庭想在除夕夜外出就餐据报道,很多人欢迎新的一年在饭店吃饭真的很有趣。

本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/4aoaavo5.html

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