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关于”冬天的好处的辩论赛“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Debate on the benefits of winter。以下是关于冬天的好处的辩论赛的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Debate on the benefits of winter

My family has a happy family Popper: Yes, my father, my mother and my parents and I live in the city. My father is a worker. He works very hard.

My mother is a Chinese teacher. She goes to work at seven o'clock in the evening. She cooks dinner for us.

I am a student. I have Chinese. I have many friends in math and English classes at school every day.




There are many ways in which technological development can bring inconvenience or even disaster to human beings. Here are some examples of weapons of mass destruction: nuclear weapons pollution and severe climate change: global warming, ecological imbalance, extinction of various species, depletion of natural resources, reduction of personal productivity by fossil fuels = more channels for procrastination: invasion of privacy by telephone, SMS, websites, etc.: surveillance cameras, I hope Let's hope they will let you know where to look, start with social or personal life, and see how science and technology interact with humans (this group). In these cases, the impact seems to be mainly negative.

But remember, science and technology are different. You use technology to attack the enemy. It all depends on the purpose you use technology to attack the enemy.

This is just one example. Radioactive materials produce two nuclear power plants and nuclear bombs. The same scientific principle has brought us more energy and more death.

How can you accept this kind of best luck.




It costs a lot of money and attracts people's attention. More importantly, it can even get people out of it. There is an old saying that "time is money", but now I can see that you have not achieved the goal of saving time and life, because we are ready for surgery, and few people realize that we are facing a terrible adventure at high altitude, a technology that society is proud of.



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