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关于”自己房间的字“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Words in your own room。以下是关于自己房间的字的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Words in your own room

My room I have a bedroom now. My bedroom has a bed. There is a table next to my bedroom.

There is a pink toy on my bed. There is a big window in the bedroom. There is a yellow light on the desk.

I am doing my homework. There is a big bookshelf in my bedroom. There are many books on the bookshelf.

Do you like reading? My bedroom is beautiful. I like it.




Hello, my bedroom. My name is Amy. Nice to meet you.

My bedroom is very practical. My desk is near the window. My bookshelf is beside the desk.

My books are on the shelf. My bed is very beautiful. My chest is between the desk and the bed.

I have a fish and a bird every morning. The bird says "good morning" to the fish. Do you have fish? Do you have birds? Welcome to my home.




My bedroom I have a lovely bedroom. My bedroom has a bed. There is a table beside my bed.

There is a pink doll on my bed. I sleep with it every night. There is a big window in the bedroom.

Every night, I have a yellow light on my desk. I do my homework under the light. There is a big bookshelf in my bedroom.

There are many books on the bookshelf. I like reading very much. You like reading Books? You can borrow these books from me if you like.

My bedroom is beautiful. I like it.



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