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关于”找工作的故事“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The story of looking for a job。以下是关于找工作的故事的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The story of looking for a job

There are many ways to find a job. First, you should write a resume. A resume tells you your education, skills and work experience.

Next, Mr. Bors said you should post your resume on an Internet website called Job Bank. The site should also have an employer's job announcement, usually sending a job list.

If there is a job you like on the list, the third step is to call or email the company your employer may ask you to meet to talk about the job. Major national websites, such as monstercom or hotjobscom, are popular. Experts say you should also use the websites of the cities where you want to work.

You can also search for jobs by industry, location or position. You can apply for jobs online. Some experts suggest several different ways to find a job.

These may include attending job fairs, searching job lists in newspapers and magazines, and Online job fairs are organized for employers and people looking for jobs in different areas of a large room. Representatives provide information about the company. You can go to each area to ask questions about the company.

You can leave a resume in each place. You can go to the local community library. You can find information about the company and job lists on computers.

Newspapers and magazines. I think job hunting The best way to do this is to use Internet services. Experts say the Internet is one of the best ways to find a job.

The Internet is to talk to people about your job search. You can talk to people you work with now or with people you've worked with in the past. You can also talk to friends and family.

Experts say networking should be part of your daily job search. People you know may have a job that suits you very well An American proverb says, "sometimes it's not just what you know, but who you know.




In my opinion, whether college students should continue to study or find a job after graduation has always been a hot topic. Some people think that students should broaden their knowledge and study for graduate students. Some people think that students should find a job to make a living.

I am the former, because I think that students should continue to study to obtain more knowledge. First of all, most students in the university just have A comprehensive knowledge is not professional, so they should continue to study and become experts in a certain field. If they look for a job after graduation, they may not perform well in the work due to the advantages of the work.

Therefore, students should go to graduate school after graduation. Second, college students will get better jobs in the future if they go to graduate school. There are too many job seekers with bachelor's degree.

Therefore, the first time they look for a job, their salary is very low. However, the salary of students with master's degree is higher than that of students with bachelor's degree. Moreover, many companies prefer to hire highly educated students, so a master's degree will be a priority for recruiters compared with a bachelor's degree.

The conclusion is that when students graduate, it is conducive for them to enter graduate school, so as to be more professional in their field and find better jobs in the future.





You bend down and kiss me. I feel my knees are soft. You bend down and kiss me.

I can't say anything. You bend down, you kiss me. You bend down.

You kiss me. You kiss me. We can see you bend down.

You kiss me. You kiss me. You kiss me.

Remember you bend down and kiss me. I'm sure I kiss your back. You bend down, You kiss me with fire the kiss I shouldn't have.

You leaned over and kissed me. You made me want more. You leaned down to kiss me.

You kissed my soul. You bent down and you kiss me. My heart is no longer full of pain.

You lean down and you kiss me, honey. Kiss me again.



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