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关于”林肯努力“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Lincoln effort。以下是关于林肯努力的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Lincoln effort

Abraham Lincoln (February April) is the fourth president of the United States. He was assassinated from March to April. He successfully led the United States through the most serious internal crisis.

The American Civil War, the maintenance of the union, and the end of slavery. Before he was elected as the first Republican president in, Lincoln was a national lawyer, a legislator of Illinois, and a member of the United States House of Representatives Taboo against the expansion of American slavery in the United States and failed in the Senate election. Lincoln won the Republican nomination in, and was elected president later that year.

He took measures to abolish slavery mainly because of the failure of the separatist American confederacy in the American Civil War. He issued the emancipation declaration in and promoted the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the constitution at the end of the civil war. Lincoln became the first American president to be assassinated, Lin Ken closely monitored the victorious war effort, especially the selection of senior generals, including Ulysses's grant historian, and concluded that he handled the Republican factions well, brought the leaders of each faction into his cabinet, and forced them to cooperate.

Linken successfully resolved the Trent incident, a war panic against Britain, and under his leadership, the federal government At the beginning of the war, he took control of the border slave states. He himself was re elected in the presidential election. Copperhead and other war opponents criticized Lincoln for refusing to compromise on slavery.

On the contrary, Radical Republicans, Republican abolitionists, criticized him for being too slow in abolishing slavery, even though there were obstacles, his words and speeches successfully attracted public opinion At the end of the war, Lincoln held a moderate view on reconstruction and sought to achieve national unity through generous reconciliation policy. Abraham Lincoln was always listed by scholars as one of the greatest presidents of the United States.




Lincoln, American statesman, strategist and President, was the first Republican president to lead the abolition of slavery in the United States during his term of office. Lincoln abolished slavery in the rebellious states and defeated the separatist forces in the south. Lincoln defended the right of the United States and its territory to racial equality.




Abraham Lincoln was born on February in a cabin in Harding County, Kentucky, the son of a pioneer, Thomas Lincoln, whose father was killed by Indians. In the years before Abraham came of age, his mother Nancy died of "milk sickness" when Abraham was ten years old. The next year, the family moved to Indiana, and Thomas Lincoln married Sarah Bush Johnston, who encouraged him to receive an education, although he had little formal education.

When Abraham was 21, he could read and write, and the family Abraham joined the Illinois militia in the Black Hawk War in, and was defeated in the Illinois legislature. But at the age of 24, he ran again and was elected as a Whig. On November 4, Lincoln married Mary Todd, and was re elected for four terms.

In, Lincoln was elected and elected as a Whig After a term in the house of Representatives, Lincoln changed his political alliance and joined the Republican Party, but lost to the Democratic Senator Stephen Douglas in the Senate election. Lincoln was a famous presidential candidate. He took office in March and became the 16th president of the United States.



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