单位来慰问后的感谢话_Words of thanks after the unit came to offer condolen

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单位来慰问后的感谢话_Words of thanks after the unit came to offer condolen

关于”单位来慰问后的感谢话“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Words of thanks after the unit came to offer condolences。以下是关于单位来慰问后的感谢话的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Words of thanks after the unit came to offer condolences

When Alice learned that John was ill and in hospital, she expressed her concern. Alice told John that since you are in the hospital, you don't need to worry about your work, you should relax, so that we can recover quickly. We are thinking about him and wish him a speedy recovery.

If there is any need for help, though it is in good order, don't worry.




Some people like to do the same job in the same company, but others like to change jobs frequently. You should use specific reasons to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both sides. Discussion + + = words in discussion + + general introduction (text) few people plan to engage in a lifetime career.

There are also some advantages of doing this in three sentences.) first of all, if you insist on doing a position, a job You will be able to master it well so that you can become an old hand in the field and win respect or prestige. Second, you can establish a wide range of social relations related to the field, and help you eliminate the obstacles that hinder your work. Finally, mistakes in daily work will be minimized because you have learned a lesson.

First of all, let's look at bribery. Many senior employees tend to accept bribes through their power. However, if they know that others will soon replace him, such behavior can be avoided Let's take a look at the work motivation.

If a person has not been promoted for a long time in the same company, he may be tired of doing the same daily work. Nevertheless, a manager should have a sense of teamwork and coordination ability. Therefore, trying different positions can help you get promotion opportunities.

Summary: working in the same position can cultivate a winner People who work can engage in boring jobs. Changing jobs frequently can not only avoid bribery, but also give people more opportunities for promotion. I think that making mistakes occasionally will also bring adverse effects.

People should find a decent and well paid job instead of paying attention to changing it.




The ideal unit of Chinese and English is a chapter, the translator, but we should pay attention to starting from a word, from a word to a phrase, sentence, section, and finally write a corresponding relationship between the meaning and the original English writing. I take this natural order translation as a course to arrange the program to achieve practical purposes. I have published or collected translation facts from the authoritative book practical translation in recent years The comments in this article reflect my teaching style and the vividness of my language level from my knowledge of various subjects.

I try to understand it by integrating theory with practice. However, we also know the reasons. As the saying goes, if you want to make the tutorial book novel and practical, you never know.

I have studied a lot of translation and related subjects and consulted a large number of books, It is more difficult to write books by objective evaluation than by teaching books. However, it is a profound ideological sublimation to refine perceptual knowledge through scattered details in practice and to sublimate systematic and rational knowledge by writing books.



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