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关于”走亲访友的儿“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Visiting relatives and friends。以下是关于走亲访友的儿的九年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Visiting relatives and friends

I know it's very important for them to leave my daughter at home, because my daughter is pregnant, so I can't leave them at home. I hope the leader can grant my request. Thank you so much for your greetings.




Spring Festival is coming, my mother will take me shopping. There are three stores near my home. The farthest one sells the cheapest goods, but the goods are the best of the three.

The salesmen in that store are the most friendly, so we are going to the shop there: http: / / wwwwwwyingyuhuicn / Xiaoxue / HTML.




Avril Lavigne, a small town kid who can't sit in class, started amazing people with her voice and character when she was about one year old, she made herself a star in her own way. "I just came out, I'll be myself very clearly, I write down my feelings, I never worry about what other people think," Avril declared“ I'm going to put on my clothes, I'm going to play my song, I'm going to sing "who am I?" a middle child who "always wants to be the center of attention" is bound to escape from napani, Ontario. "I always knew that was what I had to do," she said.

"I remember when I was very young, standing on my bed, singing like a stage, singing loudly, imagining Zhou Around thousands of people "I love writing," she explained, "when I feel uneasy and really need to vent, I play the guitar, and sometimes I think my guitar is my therapist." now that her album is written, Avril can't wait to go out and play her jokes. She points out that touring with her rock boy band sk8er punk can't wait It's no different from her childhood. "I've always been a tomboy.

I think I'm still a tomboy. I play hockey in autumn and winter, and I like to play baseball with boys in summer.



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