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关于”以一带一路为题“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Take the one belt, one road as the topic.。以下是关于以一带一路为题的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Take the one belt, one road as the topic.

Now China China president one belt, one road train, which will bring the Chinese goods, such as laptop computer and kilometre to Germany, will be transported faster than the port. The shipping trade is also an important part of the whole area, connecting the main ports in Asia, Europe and Africa, although the sea route has already carried the world. One belt, one road, is the most remote area in the world.

But the land route is going through some of the most remote areas in the world. Therefore, the challenge for China and its partners is to build infrastructure to support this century's highway. While reducing the prohibition of import and export tariffs, let the East and west do more business "," one area and one way international cooperation forum ", the Asian infrastructure investment bank of Boao.

The spirit of the ancient Silk Road of the New Development Bank of China: peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit, policy coordination, facilities interconnection, smooth trade, financial integration and common construction, meeting the interests of all parties, establishing and strengthening partnership / connectivity, the core area of the silk Road Economic Belt, silk road Duyun International Culture Expo International Film Festival, Silk Road International The book fair will jointly create an open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial regional economic cooperation framework, eliminate investment and trade barriers, develop cross disciplinary e-commerce, promote the spirit of friendship and cooperation along the Silk Road, create a harmonious and friendly cultural environment and public opinions, organize and carry out educational public interest activities, health care, poverty alleviation, biodiversity and ecological protection.




The Silk Road Economic Zone is a new economic development zone with the ancient Silk Road Silk Road Economic Belt, East Asia Pacific Economic Circle and the West as the European economic circle. It is considered to be the longest in the world and the most potential "Silk Road Economic Belt" of the Asia Pacific Economic Corridor. It is a concept of "economic belt", which reflects the economic belt's thinking on the coordinated development of cities, and "century Maritime Silk Road Economic Zone" "The road" is based on history and focuses on the 10th anniversary of China ASEAN strategic partnership.

At this new historical starting point, further deepening cooperation between China and ASEAN and building a closer community of common destiny are strategic ideas for the well-being of both sides and the local people.



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