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关于”新冠病毒“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:novel coronavirus。以下是关于新冠病毒的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:novel coronavirus

When an influenza virus with pandemic potential attacked in April, it was commonly referred to as swine flu, which was called a / H1N1. It had killed many people in Walda, and more and more cases were reported in many countries, including China. It is not clear how serious the disease and death will be compared with other influenza viruses in this outbreak of influenza A (H1N1), because it is a new virus, most people have no immunity to it, especially middle-aged people, and the disease may be more serious.

Therefore, the city has issued masks on public transport. We have been urging people with flu symptoms to go to the nearest medical centre as soon as possible. These symptoms include sharp rise in body temperature, headache, muscle pain and dyspnea.




Viruses (derived from Latin, meaning toxins or poisons) are a submicroscopic source of infection that cannot grow or reproduce outside the host cell. The virus infects all cell life. The first known virus, tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), was discovered by Martinus bayelink in, and has now described the study of more than one virus.

As virology, it is a branch of Microbiology virus, which consists of two or three parts: all viruses have genes composed of DNA or RNA, and long molecules carrying genetic information have a protein shell protecting these genes Some have a layer of fat outside their cells. The origin of viruses is unclear: some viruses may have evolved from plasmid fragments of DNA, while others may have evolved from bacterial viruses. Bacterial viruses spread in many ways.

Different kinds of viruses use different methods. For example, plant viruses are usually transmitted between plants by SAP eating insects (such as aphids), while animal viruses can be carried by blood sucking insects. These diseased organisms are called virus carriers.

Influenza viruses are transmitted by coughing and sneezing. Other noroviruses are transmitted through fecal routes. When they contaminate hands, food or water, rotaviruses usually pass directly Contact with infected children.

HIV is one of several viruses. However, many of the infected viruses will continue to reproduce without any immune mechanism, because many viruses will continue to reproduce without any immune mechanism, because many viruses will not continue to cause harm through any form of sexual transmission. Virus infected animals will usually cause an immune response It can completely eliminate a virus, and these immune responses can also be produced by vaccines, so that the virus can be infected for life-long immunity.

Microorganisms such as bacteria also have a defensive effect on virus infection. For example, antibiotics of restrictive modification system have no effect, but antiviral drugs have been developed to treat life-threatening infections.






My birthday party. Do you know what day it is? Today is my birthday. I have a party today.

My friends come at about what time. I'm very excited because they don't give me presents and say "Happy Birthday". I say "thank you" to them.

My mother gave everyone a cake. We had a good time together. Some of them danced.

Some of them played guitar We are very happy.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/vaorr4o6.html

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