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关于”电话是被谁发明“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Who invented the telephone。以下是关于电话是被谁发明的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Who invented the telephone

Today, the telephone has entered thousands of households. You know who invented the telephone bell and who was the inventor of the telephone. He was born in England when he was young.

He received deaf mute education with his father. He once wanted to make a machine for the deaf to see the sound with their eyes. In the United States, he became a professor at Boston University.

He began to study the transmission of multiple telegrams on the same line with multiple telegraph devices, and developed the application The idea of electric current transmitting human voice to distant places made people who were separated from each other like to talk face to face. At that time, bell started a telephone research. In June, bell and his assistant Watson tested several telegraph machines in two rooms respectively.

An accident inspired bell Watson's room. The telegraph machine had a spring attached to a magnet, and Watson opened the spring At the same time, bell was surprised to find that the vibration of the spring on the telegraph machine in his room also made a sound. Bell's idea that the current vibration was transmitted from one room to another was eye opening.

He thought that if people put a piece of iron behind a piece of iron, the sound would cause vibration. If the iron was placed behind a magnet, the vibration of iron sheet would be inevitable In an experiment, a drop of sulphuric acid splashed on Bell's knee, injuring him and shouting, "Mr. Watson, I need you, please come here." This sentence reached Watson's ears through the telephone line.

In March, the successful call became the telephone patent invented by bell. Bell obtained the patent all his life. The telephone lines he conceived were buried in the ground or hung in the air.

In this way, it was connected to houses, villages and factories. Any place can be called directly to today. Bell's idea has become reality http://wwwhnndedunet.




It is said that Lu Ban's wife Yun invented the umbrella in the jade dust. The first umbrella was the word "umbrella" used by her husband when he went out to build a house. She probably created an umbrella that could stay close to each other.

The question of who invented the umbrella has puzzled hedos. Tim Da believes that Egyptian men first used umbrellas as as early as BC, The Roman umbrella was invented by Luban's wife B.C. in England, the umbrella was called "moving house".

At the beginning of the century, the umbrella was once a product designed by women. It was said that women stood up with love and said that they were far away from love Decadent dedication left hand to open the umbrella, said: "I have no free time now." the umbrella moves very slowly, saying that there is no faith or distrust. Put the umbrella on the right shoulder and don't want to see you again.




The history of the language dates back to the 5th century when three Germanic tribes came to the British Isles, with Saxons and Jutes crossing the North Sea from what is now Denmark and northern Germany. The people of Britain used to speak Celtic, which soon replaced most people. Celtic speakers were pushed to Wales, Cornwall and Scotland, and one group moved to the Brittany coast of France, where their descendants still speak the Celtic language of Brayton.

Today, the name of the Anglo people comes from Engel, their place of origin, their language is called English, English comes from Anglo, Saxon Jutes, Denmark, North Germany, Wales, Cornwall, Brittany, Celtic English, Low German, Anglo Old English, Middle English, modern English.



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