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关于”有关出国游学“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:About studying abroad。以下是关于有关出国游学的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About studying abroad

Nowadays, with the improvement of people's living standards and the rapid development of student exchange programs, studying abroad has become a hot topic on campus. There are some different views on studying abroad. Some people agree that studying abroad is a good opportunity to study abroad, which enables them to be exposed to more new ideas and new trends, and broadens their horizons to a great extent.

In addition to exposure to foreign culture and a better environment to learn a language well, they also believe that independence is a better choice for those who rely too much on their parents. On the contrary, other people stand in different positions, which they think is harmful to their determined overseas students, pointing out that for most students, learning is out of the door It's not easy to speak English and communicate with local people smoothly. What's worse, students still need time to adapt to new eating habits, concepts and even the climate.

As far as I am concerned, there are some truths in their argument that the advantages of studying abroad outweigh the disadvantages, and that family status must be taken as an important prerequisite in deciding to study abroad.




/In recent years, the reason why most Chinese students can't improve their ability to study abroad is that they can't improve their ability to study abroad Secondly, with the rapid development of China, more and more overseas students will choose to return home and use their rich knowledge abroad to serve the motherland. Thirdly, the government and most domestic enterprises are willing to provide preferential treatment to attract them to return home. Although some people do not want to return, we are glad to see that overseas students who choose to work in China have more reasons than before I think this is not a bad thing for more and more Chinese pets studying abroad.




Nowadays, studying abroad is very popular among young people. We should pay attention to the advantages of studying abroad. First of all, studying abroad and living on campus provide students with a different world outlook.

International students are likely to have contact with counterparts from different countries and regions and come into contact with different ideas and values. More importantly, overseas experience is real life There is no better chance to improve your second language skills than living in this country. It is worthwhile for international students to meet their peers from different countries and regions and come into contact with different ideas and values.

However, I think that although it is expensive and painful to go abroad, what's more, there is no better way to learn a second language than to live in a second language Foreign countries have a better chance to improve their second language skills, but overseas students can benefit from it. Studying abroad is a valuable experience that those who stay at home will never have. Overseas experience is the best opportunity to use a foreign language in real life, which is conducive to the growth of young people.

In addition to knowledge first, overseas experience has many advantages in studying abroad Although it is frustrating and painful to study abroad, its popularity among teenagers is first in the university campus. We should pay attention to studying abroad. Studying abroad and life provide students with a different world outlook.



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