写人的英语作文_Write people 5篇

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写人的英语作文_Write people 5篇

关于”写人“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Write people。以下是关于写人的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write people

There is no doubt that it is very important for us to keep healthy to form a good living habit. Therefore, we can do this. First of all, what we eat in our daily life has an impact on our health, so we should eat some healthy food, such as eating less vegetables, fruits and so on.

We should do some exercise every day. It's really important for us to benefit from it. In short, we should pay more attention to our body, if so, we can live a happy life.





In the past few years, many new parks have appeared in many places. They have brought a series of benefits to people's lives. For example, because of these parks, the residents nearby can easily get close to nature and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

These places enable people to have more outdoor activities and improve their overall health. In addition, the plants in the park can clean the air and improve people's living environment.




Dear Wang Hong, how are you? I'm sorry that you were knocked down by a bicycle on your way to school yesterday. If you need help, please let me know. How about the day? I will visit you with our classmates this Saturday afternoon.

We hope you get well soon. We all miss you very much. Please come back to school as soon as possible.

Sincerely, Li Ling.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/ron0n5o1.html

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