关于”作家作品“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Works of writers。以下是关于作家作品的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Works of writers
==========================================Guo Han's works, however, may not be worthy of the title of pain and suffering in their works With a simple light, they are full of expectation and desire for true love. At the same time, their works also reflect the problems existing in the growth of the next generation. As we can see, the rise of post writers has emerged as a new social trend of thought.
Although this group is sometimes criticized by some first-class people, it soon becomes the focus of people's attention They are considered superficial, but their works are still the choice of young people.
Recently, a famous case has been closed. A screenwriter plagiarized another writer's novel. The public has been paying close attention to this case.
Most people think that the writer has indeed copied others' works, because the story he wrote has some similarities with another writer's play. The screenwriter denies that he has copied other writers' works. What he said makes the writer very angry The author has won the lawsuit and the writer has to apologize.
It is a serious crime to plagiarize other people's works. This kind of disrespect and misappropriation of other people's works should be strongly condemned.
William Shakespeare is an English poet and playwright. He is recognized as the greatest writer in English and the most outstanding playwright in the world. He is often called the British national poet and "Avon bard".
His existing works include a number of co-operative works, including drama, sonnets, and two long narrative poems. Several other poems in his plays have been translated into every major language of life, and more frequently than any other playwright's poetry. " ^ ^.
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