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关于”青少吸毒“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Young drug users。以下是关于青少吸毒的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Young drug users

As for juvenile delinquency, one of the main discussions on social problems today is juvenile delinquency, and the crime rate seems to be on the rise. According to newspaper reports, the age of the offenders ranged from years old to only a small number of them committed serious crimes such as kidnapping and murder. These cases are dealt with through the court system.

Most of the crimes are divided into four categories: fighting, including gang struggle with the main means of stealing lethal weapons, mostly minor sexual promiscuity and drug addiction. These criminals are generally under temporary supervision of neighborhood committees. The reasons for juvenile delinquency in work units or reform schools are various.

Through the media, we often encounter the following cases of stepfather or stepmother abusing young people Teenagers often lead to family tragedies. School students commit crimes without proper care, have chronic behavioral problems, and their parents are too busy. In the case of business or gambling, there are also cases of parents or grandparents doting on their loved ones.

Petty theft is not attacked once or twice, but gradually encouraged. These little people are addicted to stealing. Most of the young people take drugs out of curiosity, and finally become habitual drug users.

In our daily life, due to the limitation of time and space, I have to ignore these problems. However, juvenile delinquency, as a serious social problem related to the younger generation, deserves special attention. I think the most fundamental thing we can do is to deepen and strengthen education, and ultimately save young people.






Explanation: it can be seen from the figure that the age distribution of drug addicts has changed a lot. Specifically, in, only about% of all drug users were young drug users. The reason for this increase is not difficult to find that some of them are trapped in a dilemma because of their fearless curiosity about new things.

Second, many young drug addicts are trying to avoid the failure of the college entrance examination The most important thing is that, to sum up, our education on the harmfulness of drugs is far from enough to cultivate young people's good resistance to drugs. We must pay more attention to the above reasons and take effective measures to curb this trend. On the one hand, this rapid change will have a significant impact on individuals and the whole society.

On the other hand, drug abuse has caused great harm to the health of drug addicts. Some drug addicts rob or even kill their parents and relatives in order to earn money to buy drugs, which poses a great threat to social security and social stability. Therefore, we should take measures to stop this trend.




The harmfulness of drugs can be said to have many kinds of harm to drugs, which can be summed up as two kinds of harm: one is the harm of drugs to the body and mind; the toxic effects of drugs on human body are the harmful effects on the body caused by excessive dosage or long medication time, which are usually related to body dysfunction and histopathological changes. The main characteristics of poisoning are sleepiness and numbness Abstinence reactions, such as ataxia, hallucination, delusion, disorientation, etc., are serious and potentially fatal risks of physical and mental damage caused by long-term drug abuse. Usually, after a sudden withdrawal or reduction of dosage, many drug users take eda5eaa without financial resources, or die from severe physical withdrawal reaction or commit suicide due to unbearable pain Abstinence reaction is also an important cause of withdrawal difficulties.

Mental disorders and metamorphosis: the most prominent mental disorders caused by drugs are hallucinations and thinking disorders, and their behavioral characteristics revolve around drugs, even for the loss of drugs in human nature. Infectious diseases: infectious complications caused by intravenous drug users, the most common are suppurative infection and hepatitis B, as well as worrisome AIDS In addition to the problem, it also damages the nervous system and immune system, and is prone to various diseases.



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