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关于”选择做什么工作“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Choose what job to do。以下是关于选择做什么工作的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Choose what job to do

How to choose the right career? Choosing the right career may be difficult, but having a clear career direction will help people find a suitable job through hard work and the right way. You can also achieve this goal. Before you start to think about your job choice, I will explain these correct methods, if you are not sure what you want What kind of career, you should test your skills first.

You may not consider the skills you already have. Everyone is good at something, so try to brainstorm and write a list of your qualities as much as possible. You may consider some factors, such as whether you like to work alone or with others, and how these qualities translate into work.

You can ask your family and friends what they think you are good at, because you may have some skills you don't know at all. You can also try to talk to a career counselor who will help you assess your skills and personality You have to think about career choices that you didn't think about before, and then those ideas come out on stage. You have to think about your job choices.

You have to take time to really think about and decide on your priorities. You can consider factors like your expected salary, the distance you want to travel, and whether a job offers long-term security. If you're a visual person, you You can try to piece together your ideal vision of your future career.

You can also consider the possibility of finding a job in your chosen field. Many people know exactly what their ideal job is, but deny it because they think it is difficult to achieve, or because they are seeking recognition from their family or society. Finally, you can find a job that suits you.

Once you know what you want to do, it's important to do a lot of research to find out how active the job market is in the industry and how the recruitment process usually works. Study local organizations to see if they have the opportunity to give you the type of job you decide.




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