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关于”第一次接触计算机的感受“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:First contact with the computer。以下是关于第一次接触计算机的感受的九年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:First contact with the computer

It was Sunday yesterday. It was very hot this afternoon. I went to the swimming pool with my father and brother.

When I saw someone swimming, I put my swimming suit away. I wanted to swim very much. So I decided to learn how to swim today.

I can't swim at all. My father was very patient. He encouraged me and taught me how to swim.

Although it was difficult for me to swim, I didn't give up learning how to swim. My father first taught me how to breathe in the water. He threw me to the deepest part of the swimming pool.

I was so scared that I tried to swim for a while. After three hours, my father brought me back. With my father's help, I dared to swim by myself.

I could swim by myself Swimming although I can't swim very well, I'm glad that yesterday I not only learned to swim, but also learned to be brave.




The first time I took the train, I felt that I had no chance to take the train. The impression of the train was that the child learned to recognize the card. The black locomotive pulled a fast train and the long body looked like a snake.

My heart had been looking forward to the opportunity to take the train. I felt that what kind of day it was finally coming. In summer, my father took me to Jiangshan, and I had already arrived at the train by train Station, everything here is so strange to me, it is not easy to wait until the train ticket, the train appeared in my sight imaji, bullet head, BIW, roof and "braid", much like the braid on the top of a city tram.

Sitting in a spacious and tidy carriage, I don't feel that the train is running fast at all. Tell me that the number on the train screen has reached At the speed of kilometers per hour, it is much faster than the car. What makes me feel more happy is that I can walk freely in the train carriage, as smooth and comfortable as walking on the street, and the feeling that Bibi is much more comfortable than sitting on the train also makes my father take me on the train.




I still remember standing in front of the podium for the first time. It was two years ago that I was arranged by the headmaster to go to the countryside to be a teacher. At first, I was not used to the environment, but a week later, I got used to it.

I was asked to teach students English. That night, I felt very uncomfortable. I was afraid that the students would not hear me in the morning, so I had to start class.

When I got to the platform, I had to start class When I was on, my feet seemed to be very difficult to move forward. All the students looked at me and I was very nervous. Then I introduced myself.

When I went further in class, I found that I felt much more relaxed. My classmates cooperated with me, and I became more and more confident. I learned a lot from standing in front of the stage for the first time.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/pey24no5.html

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