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关于”用电影指导的意义“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The significance of film guidance。以下是关于用电影指导的意义的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The significance of film guidance

It is better to set up a system to reward those students who often exercise in the gym, such as scholarships and coupons, so as to improve their English level. Especially in writing and speaking, we will organize interviews to ensure that the candidates are of high quality. We should not only introduce western technology, but also be subject to Western cultural products such as movies, pop music and fashion In this way, if this trend continues, we can solve the problem, and our society will lose its significance of existence, because human society can only survive when we care for each other: parents should do what they want their children to do, as an example of educating their children.

For someone, once they are old and lost, it is a very selfish behavior to abandon their values. It not only reflects the decline of moral values, but also harms the sustainable development of society. At the same time, it is also related to the excessive concern of Chinese children to be over protected by their parents.




American Film Association, Encino, California, Walt Disney, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Paramount Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox, Universal Studios, Warner Brothers, mpaag general audience all ages accept PG parental guidance advice some materials may not be suitable for children, PG parents strongly warn that Some materials may not be suitable for unrestricted parents or adult guardians. NC anyone and NR or unru MX or P udamshell ucpg general) accompaniment) restricted) Adult) xtptp + avert.


美国电影协会,加利福尼亚州恩西诺市,沃尔特迪斯尼公司,索尼电影娱乐公司,MetroGoldwynMayer公司,派拉蒙电影公司,二十世纪福克斯电影公司,环球影城,华纳兄弟MPAAG一般观众所有年龄段的观众都承认PG家长指导建议有些材料可能不适合儿童PG家长强烈警告有些材料可能不适合未经限制的儿童家长或成人监护人陪同。NC任何人和未经许可的NR或UNRU MX或P Udamnhell UcPG General)家长指导)伴奏)伴奏)限制性)成人)XTPTP+avert。


The result of my survey on students is that recently, some students have conducted a survey on computers. It is found that it is conducive to the students in my class to use computers to chat with music and watch movies to relax. It helps to reduce the pressure of students.

Only through computer learning and data query, the proportion has been increased. I hope students can use computers correctly, play less games and do more meaningful things.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/e0p96rre.html

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