关于保护海洋的英语作文_Protect the ocean 3篇

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关于保护海洋的英语作文_Protect the ocean 3篇

关于”保护海洋“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Protect the ocean。以下是关于保护海洋的七年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Protect the ocean

The oceans are becoming more and more acidic, and the world's oceans are slowly becoming acidic, scientists say, and researchers from California say the change is due to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Researchers from Lawrence Livermore National laboratory report their concerns in the journal Nature: the increasing use of fossil fuels means more carbon dioxide goes into the air, and once in water, most of it Carbon dioxide will eventually be absorbed by seawater, and scientists believe that the ocean has become slightly acidic over the past century, but these researchers are trying to predict what will happen in the future by combining our understanding of ocean history with computer models of climate change. "This level of acidity will become more extreme" in the future, if we continue to increase Gas releases carbon dioxide, "Dr.

caldella said." we predict that acidity in the future will exceed anything we've seen in the last few hundred million years, except after rare catastrophic events such as asteroid impacts. "If carbon dioxide emissions continue to increase, the authors warn that the pH of the ocean may drop to units, but it's not entirely clear that this is true What does marine life mean, because most organisms live near the surface of the sea, and the maximum pH change is expected, but deep-sea organisms may be more sensitive to changes in pH. the biological calcium carbonate contained in coral reefs and other bones or shells may be particularly affected, and the team speculates that they may find it difficult to construct these structures in water with low PHN Much more.

In recent years, it has been suggested that carbon dioxide from power stations be stored in the deep sea as a way to curb global warming, but Dr. caldera said such a strategy should now be reconsidered. "In the past, most experts regarded the absorption of carbon dioxide by the ocean as a good thing, because when we release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, we warm the earth When absorbed by the ocean, it reduces the greenhouse effect.




Marine environment is a complex system of water and sea water resistant to hydrolysis and suspended solids, seabed sediments and marine organisms. It contains abundant marine biological resources, mineral resources, chemical resources and electric power resources. It is an indispensable resource treasure house for human beings, which is closely related to the survival and development of human beings.

At present, the main goal of marine protection is to protect marine organisms According to the United Nations survey, due to overfishing, accidental capture and killing of non target organisms, at least the world's most valuable fishery resources have been exhausted Fish, turtles, manatees and many other marine animals are at risk of extinction. With the expansion of marine development scale, marine living resources may cause greater damage. The first task of the right of marine protection is to stop the over exploitation of marine living resources, and the second is to protect the habitats or habitats of marine organisms, especially their migration, spawning and foraging, avoiding predators such as coasts, beaches, estuaries and coral reefs.

It is necessary to prevent marine pollution caused by heavy metals, pesticides, oil and organic matters, which are easy to produce nutrients, and protect marine organisms The natural regeneration ability of resources and water purification capacity are strong, and the marine ecological balance is maintained to ensure the sustainable development and utilization of the ocean.




We live in the earth. The Shanghai Ocean is the ocean on the earth's surface and the earth's water warehouse. While the ocean provides food and various resources for human beings, people get more from the ocean, but the harm is too great, such as overfishing, littering and polluting water.

We should protect the ocean. If people do not stop destroying the marine environment, we will retaliate in the near future, Then mankind will face a great disaster.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/aorr84o6.html

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