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关于”校园安全的一篇“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:An article on campus security。以下是关于校园安全的一篇的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:An article on campus security

School safety is a very important part of the whole social security work. It is directly related to the safe and healthy growth of young students, the well-being of millions of families, peace and social stability. The World Health Organization has issued a report in most countries of the world.

Accidental injury is the main cause of injury and disability of children and adolescents, and the vast majority of school-age children Accidents with the highest mortality rate for many years not only cause a large number of children with permanent disability and premature death, but also consume huge medical and health care costs, reduce national productivity, not only make children and families suffer and misfortune, but also bring losses to society, according to the government According to the investigation of the huge burden and loss of schools, some schools in Beijing will compensate students for their economic losses and many casualties. Half of the schools in Qizhong have encountered difficulties in dealing with the incident. Therefore, campus safety has become a hot issue.

It has become an important issue for primary and secondary education and management to protect every child in the community and reduce the accidents to a minimum content.




In recent years, a variety of accidents have occurred in Colleges and universities in China, which has aroused public concern. In terms of campus security, we must attach importance to campus safety and build a harmonious campus. We still remember the events on campus.

It is reported that a college student killed his roommate a few days ago just because they didn't get along well. The students on campus are really scared. Some students even put a fish in the water they drink, in case someone puts some dangerous things in it.

This long established intimate relationship has become weak, so it is easy to have accidents. What bad impact should we do to avoid this phenomenon and establish a strong student relationship? I think the most important thing is to strengthen the communication between students Encourage them to participate in activities, only in this way can students believe and get along well with each other.





Nowadays, dangerous accidents often occur in the campus. For example, after fighting in the classroom, accidents are easy to happen. In order to prevent accidents, we'd better control them.

Don't go to the classroom or run in the corridor. If you really want to play in the classroom or corridor, you can play rope skipping games. If you play in front of the corridor, although it's fun, it's not careful to bump into it If you want to exercise, you'd better go to the playground because the area is large and you don't pay for it, or sometimes you do some activities.

One must not take a lot of money, for fear that the students who can't do well will become simple. They must pay attention to their safety on campus.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/aor22vo6.html

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