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关于”销售经理的招聘“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Recruitment of Sales Manager。以下是关于销售经理的招聘的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Recruitment of Sales Manager

The person who missed out on whether he could expect the leader to work now is ready. Although the work has been successful and successfully completed, different tasks will be completed, and different measures have been taken to impress the employer. The employer's achievements are even worse.

Your car's mileage at the service station is cheaper and it's easy to learn that they wear all kinds of spanners.




Marketing Assistant sensitivity: responsible for local management of marketing and sales activities according to the head office's instructions, collect relevant information to headquarters requirements: university degree, good English (oral and writing skills) and establish good relationship with local media and customers requirements: Bachelor degree or above, good English (basic concepts of sales and marketing, relevant work) Working experience in international organizations, good communication and presentation skills.




Meeting date: June, to: all department managers, from: John Green, sales manager subject: the meeting on the third quarter marketing plan in the meeting will be held in the conference room at PM and everyone should attend on time. If not, please inform our secretary in advance.


会议日期:6月日,收件人:所有部门经理,发件人:John Green,销售经理主题:会议中关于第三季度市场营销计划的会议将于下午点在会议室举行,所有人都应准时参加。如果没有,请提前通知我们的秘书。

本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/aoay47o5.html

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