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关于”表明去参加同学聚会的立场“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Make clear your position on going to the classmate party。以下是关于表明去参加同学聚会的立场的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Make clear your position on going to the classmate party

Yesterday was Saturday, some of my primary school classmates gathered at our primary school teacher's house. The teacher has taught us for four years. She regards us as her own children.

In the afternoon, we love her very much. We just talk and share our life in middle school happily. Most of us have a rich and happy life.

The teacher told us some interesting stories about her new year. After that, we cooked a big dinner together. Our teacher is an excellent cook.

He can make delicious food. We all ate a lot after supper. We watched TV for a while, and then we knew it was really a good day.






Yesterday was Saturday. Some of my primary school classmates gathered at the primary school teacher's house. The teacher taught us for four years.

She regarded herself as her own child. In the afternoon, we loved her very much. We talked and shared our life in middle school happily.

Most of us had a rich and happy life. The teacher told us some interesting stories about her new student. After that, we cooked a big dinner together.

Our teacher is an excellent cook who can cook delicious food.




本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/ae81n6oy.html

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