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关于”有关生态游“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:About ecological tourism。以下是关于有关生态游的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About ecological tourism

It took the government two years to build a red bridge across the elevation of the canyon. This mountain is our first stop in Lake bajomi. Nitrogen is easy to leach from the soil because it is easier to dissolve toxic substances.

The Nazi concentration camp was gassed, and the press magnate decided to merge with another company to expand his empire.




Last weekend, I had an eco tour with a travel agency. Along the way, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and the fresh air, but some of us picked flowers while sightseeing. Some of us even tried to catch the worse birds they saw.

Many tourists threw rubbish everywhere, which may harm wildlife. I don't think it's a real ecotourism. The real ecotourism is not only to let us express our love for nature, but also need our sense of responsibility and enjoy the beauty of nature.

We should try our best to protect it, we should also protect wild animals. A real ecotourism should be like this: nothing is taken away except your beautiful memory, leaving only all the green trees and clean water.




Last weekend, I had an eco tour with a travel agency. Along the way, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and the fresh air, but some of us picked flowers while sightseeing. Some of us even tried to catch the worse birds they saw.

Many tourists threw rubbish everywhere, which may harm the wildlife there. I don't think it's a real ecotourism. The real ecotourism is not only let us express our love for nature, but also need our responsibility, and we should enjoy the beauty of nature.

We should try our best to protect it, we should also strive to protect it. The real ecotourism should be like this: except for the beautiful memory, nothing is taken away, only green trees and clean water are left.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/ae8190oy.html

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