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Everyone has great admiration for doctors, because they have saved people's lives, just like angels, and the special groups who help doctors finish their work should not be forgotten. They are nurses, they are angels, and international nurses' Day is coming. They should enjoy their own day.

My aunt is a nurse. She loves her work very much. She always needs to work at night She told me that although she was a little tired, she was proud of what she had done in the terrible disaster of SARS attack on China.

At this dangerous moment, my aunt never thought of quitting. She has been staying in the hospital. Many nurses are as excellent as my aunt.

They are doing ordinary work, but they are extraordinary. These lovely groups should have their own day They are respected and best wishes from the public. I admire nurses like my aunts very much.

They are real heroes in my eyes.




Nurse [ne: S] n, VT, nurse: an educated and trained person who is educated and trained to care for patients or people with disabilities. A nurse who is employed to nurse her children rather than herself; a woman employed to take care of her children; a nanny who acts as a nurturing or nurturing influence or means; a worker ant or bee; a young v-nurse who feeds and cares for bees; VTR acts as a nurse Role: nursing patients to recover, feeding at the breast milk, trying to cure through special care or treatment: using a variety of drugs to care for coughing, especially to prevent pain; he nursed the injured knee by transferring weight to the other leg to manage or guide careful care of foster: taking care of her business through depression - synonyms for parenting are private in the heart Bear: bear a grudge, consume slowly, especially for the sake of preservation: drink a cup all night, nurse [nurse] Norris, nurse norrice norrice, nurse from Vulgar Latin Nurt: a Nurt: a? cia n? CIA comes from Latin feminization n? Cius, from n? x n? Tr: C [wet nurse] see (s) n 3 U N? x n? trºc(s)n³u.


护士[ne:s]n,vt,护士护士:受过教育和训练的人,为照顾病人或残疾人士而受教育和训练的人一个被雇来给孩子喂奶而不是自己的奶妈一个被雇来照顾孩子的妇女一个充当养育或培养影响或手段的保姆一种工蚁或蜜蜂,喂养和照顾蜂群的年轻的v护理护士vtr充当护士的角色:护理病人恢复健康,在乳汁处喂食,试图通过特殊护理或治疗来治愈:用各种各样的药物来护理咳嗽,特别是为了防止疼痛:他护理受伤的膝盖通过将体重转移到另一条腿上来管理或引导小心照顾福斯特:通过抑郁来照顾她的生意-养育的同义词在心里私自承受:怀恨在心慢慢消费,特别是为了保存:整个晚上都要喝一杯,作为护士从母乳中摄取营养,护士[奶妈]诺里斯,来自古法语norrice norrice的护士来自粗俗拉丁语nurtºa nurtºa来自拉丁语晚期n?cia n?cia来自拉丁语女性化n?cius,来自n?x n?trºc[奶妈]参见(s)n³u n?x n?trºc(s)n³u。


I have a dream. I want to be a nurse. Now I am in a medical school.

I study very hard in order to realize my dream. I am willing to help others. I think it is very valuable to help people in need.

I want to take care of the patients and the injured. I hope that my dream will come true. Not only the concept of modern health, but also the physical, mental and social perfection of the weak without disease should be realized As the saying goes, "three point therapy and seven point nursing", modern nursing work not only alleviates the pain of patients with drugs, but also provides a more complete and comprehensive psychological nursing system for patients and rich people.

Emotional nursing service can meet the psychological, physiological and social needs of patients at the same time. With the expansion of nursing scope and the change of work focus, the requirements for the quality of nurses are also changing, only high Only qualified nurses can undertake the present nursing work.



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