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关于”读书对我们很重要“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Reading is very important to us。以下是关于读书对我们很重要的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Reading is very important to us

The importance of fresh air. No air means death. Although we can't see air, air is everywhere.

It gives life to every living creature. Without it, we can't live in bad air and make people sick. We must have fresh air to keep our health.

There are many people in the city, too many cars on the road, and the cars are full of poisonous gas every day 。 In addition to so many cars, there are many factories coming out of the chimneys of these factories. When the smoke is mixed with the air, the smoke we get is usually black or gray, which is dangerous to our health. Because the smoke contains a lot of toxic soil and gas, in order to keep healthy, we must go to the countryside to breathe fresh air, or we can go there Mountain to breathe more fresh air.




First of all, plants are very important to us. Most plants can produce oxygen, which is a very important life resource for human beings. Secondly, plants can prevent soil erosion.

Thirdly, many people can eat plants, and animals don't like plants. Plants also provide us with a very beautiful world. It is impossible for us to have such colorful scenery.




I want to thank my mother, my mother is the most grateful person in the world, not only because she let me come to this world, but also when I was nervous about the coming exam, she would carefully raise me up. When I was too nervous to sleep, she would accompany me gently and comfort me. In the evening, she would sit by my bed and take care of me until I fell asleep.

I will do well in school, study hard, make my mother proud of me, and I will always take care of her and make her happy every day.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/7vo5n3er.html

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