令人感动的英文单词_Touching words 4篇

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令人感动的英文单词_Touching words 4篇

关于”令人感动的单词“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Touching words。以下是关于令人感动的单词的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Touching words

One day, when I was a sophomore in high school, I saw a kid in my class coming home from school. His name was Carrie Li. It seemed that he had all the books with him.

I thought, "why does anyone take all the books home on Friday? He must be a nerd." I planned a long weekend to go to a football match with my friends in the afternoon, so I shrugged my shoulders and walked as I walked. I saw a group of children running towards him. They knocked over the books on his arm, tripped him to the ground, and his glasses flew up.

I saw them fall on the grass ten feet away from him. He looked up, and I saw them fall on the grass ten feet away from him. Seeing this terrible sadness in his eyes, my heart ran to him.

As he crawled around looking for his glasses, I saw a tear in his eyes, and I handed them to him and said, "those guys are such assholes. They really deserve life. He looked at me and said, "Hey, thank you." there was a big smile on his face.





Lily is an excellent student. She is always praised by others. Every parent wants to know how her mother educates her.

Her mother tells us that she never sets any goals for her, but she always inspires lily to do what she wants to do. Even if she makes mistakes, the key to cultivating interest is the most important factor leading to success.




I'm very moved by this story. I like this story very much. This man is such a beautiful bankrupt.

It makes him depressed. He wants to go to an angel's help and take him to a world that never existed before. He found his brother died just because in this world, this person's existence is not to save his life.

An evil man controls the town because of this In the world, the man did not show the anti evil side, his wife did not know him, because in this world, the man did not show his love to her. Men finally realize the values he brings to the world and forgive us the decision to avoid any trouble. We should be optimistic.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/7o3896ev.html

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