关于”好的构架“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Good architecture。以下是关于好的构架的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Good architecture
My school is very good. It has a four storey building, just like a temple. We go there to study first every morning.
We pray for God to let us study better. Then we say good morning to our head teacher. Then we start to study according to our syllabus.
I like to go to school every day. My school has very strict discipline. We need to follow up regularly I like my school uniform very much.
It is about kilometers away from my lovely home. I go to school by yellow school bus. My school is located in a very quiet place, far away from the pollution, noise, dust, noise and smoke of the city.
The whole palace area is located in the center of Beijing. It is rectangular in shape, covering an area of hectare. There is a moat with a width of up to meters at each corner of the wall.
The two main buildings are six main halls, one by one. From the Meridian Gate, the south gate to the Shenwu gate, they face south along the north-south axis. The large city gates through the North walls on both sides of the hall are relatively small buildings in the northeast There are six East palaces and six Western palaces in the northwest.
The palaces are divided into two parts: the outer palace and the inner palace. The first three halls were the places where the emperor met his courtiers and held grand ceremonies, and the last was where the palace lived. Behind the inner palace is the palace garden.
The emperor and his family are looking for clay's website http://wwwexamdacom/dy/.
The first / first and most important is / first / first / first in the second place / second important is / continue / second / third / last but not least / third / on the one hand for one thing / for another / because / because / because / because / because of this / therefore / result / result e.g. / as an example / explain in addition / further / and / more / additional / however/ However / however / nevertheless: compared with / compared / contrasted / contrary, the official guide to the new TOEFL cancels the reliability because it points out that everyone's opinion may be different, and to me, honesty, in other words, always tells me, although I would like to see altruistic, understanding, thoughtful and loyal behavior of people, an example of the official guide to the opposite of the new TOEFL.
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