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关于”病例报告“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:case report。以下是关于病例报告的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:case report

Canada and Costa Rica confirmed their first deaths on Sunday, bringing the number of confirmed human deaths reported by Costa Rica to four, and a one-year-old man became the first fatal victim of H1N1 flu in Alberta, Canada, local health authorities said The virus killed a woman who died at the end of April, but health officials said two victims and two dead in the United States had other health problems when they contracted the disease in Tokyo. A high school teacher and two teenage students were tested positive for the disease at the airport after returning from school to Canada. Japanese health authorities have been tracking passengers arriving on the same plane, while health and welfare minister Yoichi Masuzoe acknowledged that it is difficult to track all incoming passengers.

Australian Queensland Health authorities said Saturday that an Australian woman who arrived in Brisbane from Los Angeles tested weakly positive for the H1N1 virus and became the country's first case. Federal health minister Nicholas Roxon said the woman noticed her symptoms for the first time while traveling in the United States, but she also recovered on Saturday Reply. New Zealand, the first country in the Asia Pacific region to have confirmed a (H1N1) flu, reported two more cases on Saturday, a total of seven.


周日,新的甲型H1N1流感病毒继续在世界各地传播,加拿大和哥斯达黎加周六确认了他们的第一例死亡病例,使哥斯达黎加报告的确诊人类死亡病例的国家数量增加到4个,一名一岁的男子成为加拿大阿尔伯塔省首例甲型H1N1流感致命受害者,当地卫生部门表示,甲型H1N1流感病毒导致一名年仅4月底死亡的妇女死亡,但卫生官员指出,美国的两名受害者和两名死亡者在东京感染该病时,都患有其他健康问题,一名高中教师和两名十几岁的学生从学校旅行返回加拿大后在机场被检测出该病呈阳性。日本卫生当局一直在跟踪乘坐同一架飞机抵达的乘客,而卫生和福利大臣Yoichi Masuzoe承认,很难追踪所有入境的乘客澳大利亚昆士兰卫生当局星期六说,一名从洛杉矶抵达布里斯班的澳大利亚妇女对H1N1病毒检测呈弱阳性,成为该国首例病例的联邦卫生部长尼古拉·罗克森说,这名妇女在美国旅行时第一次注意到自己的症状,但她也已在周六康复。新西兰是亚太地区第一个确诊甲型H1N1流感病例的国家,上周六又报告了两例,共7例。


More and more people begin to realize the importance of keeping healthy, just like the basic needs of human survival, such as food to prevent hunger, clothes to keep warm, and health is an easily overlooked element.




Dear Professor Ye, I read that you and your team have been treating cancer patients with eaal on the news. I know that the patients have been cured and have no recurrence in the next few years. If my wife has been diagnosed with ovarian malignant teratoma recently, I would be very interested to submit my wife's case to your clinical trial, if possible, to join your clinical trial, If you can't accept her case, I will send you her report and diagnosis as soon as possible.

Can you give me some suggestions? What can I do to better fight cancer with my wife? Thank you for your sincere, expanded activated autologous lymphocyte ovarian malignant teratoma.



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