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关于”介绍伟大的发明“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Introduce great inventions。以下是关于介绍伟大的发明的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce great inventions

It's only a few minutes' drive from my study and shopping center. It's only a few minutes' drive from my study and shopping center. I live in a community where security guards patrol day and night to ensure the safety of the community.

What impresses me most is that the people here are very enthusiastic and helpful. The only thing I have to complain about is that sometimes it's a bit noisy because it's so close to the city center that the neighborhood relationship is so impressive that once you move in, you don't want to move out again.




(the greatest invention in my eyes) good evening, ladies and gentlemen, last night in my room, I was busy preparing for today's speech. I was confused by the views of different people's great inventions. I read a lot of books and some articles think that the greatest invention in the world is electricity.

When others think that computers are irreplaceable in the modern society I read and read, I Suddenly came to an idea: the greatest invention is the book once said by a famous person: "book is the best teacher". This is exactly what I want to say in the long history of mankind. Books play an important role in the exchange of knowledge.

Today, millions of books are published every year in the world, and knowledge is changing our life. If a learned person wants to express his / her knowledge, he / she will be the best teacher He may choose to write a book on the other hand. The best way to broaden his horizons is to read books.

Secondly, I have always been puzzled. Books provide you with different ideas. You decide to choose someone suitable for you or others.

You can not choose any one. Just like me, I did not follow the advice of books, but chose "book" as the greatest one in my eyes Invention, you don't think a book that is a bit interesting is called a silent teacher, but what's the difference between books and our real teachers? I think the fact is that if a real teacher suggested that I choose electricity or computer as my theme today, and every one you can imagine, I would bravely refuse, so you don't think books are better tempered and get along with each other than our real teachers Is it better? That's all. Thank you.




Some articles think that the greatest invention in the world is electricity, while others think that computers are irreplaceable in modern society. I read and read again and again, and suddenly an idea came to my mind: the greatest invention is just a book once said by a famous person: "book is the best teacher". This is exactly what I want.

First of all, in the long history of mankind, books play an important role in the exchange of knowledge. Nowadays, millions of books are published every year in the world, and knowledge is changing our life, If a knowledgeable person wants to express some new ideas, he may choose the best book on the other hand. Second, the way to broaden his horizons is to read books.

Second, as I have always been confused, books provide you with different ideas. You decide to choose the right person for you. Otherwise, you can't choose any one like me, instead of following the advice of books.

Don't you think it's a bit interesting that I choose "book" as the greatest invention in my eyes? Books are known as silent teachers, but what's the difference between books and our real teachers? I think the fact is, if a real teacher suggests that I choose electricity or computers as my theme today, I will bravely prepare to refute that you don't think books are better tempered and get along better than our real teachers.



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