英语中动词的用法总结_A summary of the usage of verbs in 5篇

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英语中动词的用法总结_A summary of the usage of verbs in 5篇

关于”中动词的用法总结“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:A summary of the usage of verbs in。以下是关于中动词的用法总结的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A summary of the usage of verbs in

(comma (colon): (semicolon) (question mark) (exclamation mark) (DASH) - (quotation) (hyphen) (apostrophe) a new English Chinese dictionary the party is to celebrate the mothers' silver wedding. Do you want him back tonight? The sky is blue. Don't cry.

She wants bread, meat, milk, sugar and tomatoes. He will come back from Houston, and his sister will live for another month. The agreement stipulates the delivery of the following raw materials: cotton, wool, jute, etc.

my mother told me that I would marry a rich sentry 20 years ago. Stop it.




Conclusion: the purpose of this report / this report is to introduce / summarize the main findings as follows / conclude that BEC is obviously different from the chart as shown in the chart. We see a different trend, and the number of increases / decreases in the chart shows bec The percentage of BEC has jumped four times, from a sharp rise to a gradual increase. The overall trend seems to be increasing.

We can see that it is expanding in a few hours. At this point, we should pay attention to the huge growth (there is a bebec period with a much higher growth rate than the whole period in terms of quantity).


结论:本报告的目的是/本报告旨在介绍/主要调查结果总结如下我建议的调查结果/得出结论BEC从图表中可以看出明显不同于图表,我们看到一个不同的趋势,图中增加/减少的数量显示BEC BEC的百分比已经跃升了四倍,从急剧上升到逐渐上升,总体趋势似乎是增加,我们可以看到在几个小时内不断膨胀,在这一点上要注意的是巨大的增长(在数量上有一个比整个时期的增长率高得多的Bebec时期)。


Technology makes children less creative than they used to be. We can cite a study done by a major educational institution to find out whether children do their homework with the help of Technology: among the parents interviewed, more than one admitted that their children did not use computers or other electronic tools of the Chinese Academy of social sciences. Second year researchers who encouraged students to learn were in the Shanghai key center Students have conducted a survey.

They have drawn up a list of questions around their learning motivation at school and asked students to fill in the questionnaire among the students who have completed the answers. More than half of them mentioned that they hope to get high marks in the college entrance examination.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/5e4anro9.html

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