关于”我最喜还的玩具“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:My favorite toy to return。以下是关于我最喜还的玩具的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。
高分英语作文1:My favorite toy to return
My first toy when I was a child. I didn't have any toys because my family was not rich. When I was six years old, my father brought me a toy car after work.
It was my first toy. I was very happy that I loved it when I was a child. Now I still have my first toy.
My first toy was a little boy. I didn't have any toys because my family was not rich. When I was six years old, my father brought me a toy car after work.
It was my first toy. I was glad that I loved it when I was a child. I still have it.
My favorite toy I have many toys, such as toy dogs, toy planes, etc., but my favorite is a toy car, which was bought last year when my parents took me to the temple. It's a blue car made in Shanghai. It's not very big.
It's about 20 centimeters long. It can run quickly. It's very interesting and exciting.
It makes me happy, so I like it best.
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