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关于”时间的观念“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Concept of time。以下是关于时间的观念的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Concept of time

Chinese are very punctual. They are required to arrive on time for a party or dinner date. Westerners are sometimes found unprepared for Chinese guests at home or are blamed for being late.

Impatience, even if someone is really late, is considered impolite. For others in rural areas, the rules are less strict because people are less time bound and tend to be more closely associated with things around them.




The concept of time in different cultures is different in the United States. There is a saying that time is money. In fact, they don't pay much attention to time, and the people who are often late are the most time conscious people.

I think in Chinese culture, they are very strict with time. Being late is usually allowed. In daily life, sometimes they are not punctual.

I can say that Indians are not punctual. The whole system is actually late, late buses, delayed trains and late politics The government plans to be in the UK and they may spend a lot of time with their families on long holidays to relax.




The importance of time depends on people's origins and different cultural perspectives. "Time is one of the fundamental foundations for the existence of all cultures and for all activities around Germany. It seems that the most important attitude towards time is always punctuality, rather than the grasp of time.

It is an insult why waiting for a very important person in school is very important.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/52e034o7.html

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