关于”生命的真谛“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The Right Answer 。以下是关于生命的真谛的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。
高分英语作文1:The Right Answer
Once upon a time, there was a king who gave a prize to the painter who drew the best peace painting. Many painters tried to see all the paintings, but there were only two that he really liked. He had to choose one of them.
The lake was a perfect mirror, surrounded by peaceful mountains, with a blue sky and fluffy white clouds on top of his head. All the people who saw the painting thought it was A perfect picture of peace, and another picture of mountains, but these hills are rough and bare. It is an angry sky, where rain has fallen, and lightning has left a bubble waterfall from one side of the mountain.
It didn't seem peaceful at all, but when the king looked carefully, he saw a small bush growing in the Bush behind the waterfall. A female bird was nesting there. In the turbulent water, the mother bird sitting on the nest - which painting do you think won the prize? You know why? Because the king explained that peace does not mean being in one Where there is no noise, where there is no trouble, or, in other words, hard working peace means that in all these things, there is still inner peace, which is what peace really means.
My friend's eyes made me realize that my tears had formed in my eyes and you would never regret it. I finally held my friend's hand and prayed for her and me, and for all the mortal women who stumbled into this sacred mission.
What is the true meaning of love? Many people have lost the true meaning of love. Love is a very important part of one's life. If there is uncertainty, the true meaning of love should not be pursued.
When others flee, there should be a complete and complete connection and care between each other. However, many people try to realize love in other ways, such as seeking financial support or someone else To support them is not the true meaning of love. What is said in the last sentence will help interpersonal relations, but it will blur the overall meaning of love.
Many people look for love in the wrong places. They must find someone who can take care of themselves in the darkest days to fully understand the true meaning of love. The true meaning of love is not easy to realize, which is why some people accept less truth Love can make people happy above all aspects of life.
It's worth trying to find a perfect partner. In the end, most people will be content to live a mediocre life with an ordinary person instead of pursuing the true meaning of love.
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