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关于”这是谁的字典“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Whose dictionary is this。以下是关于这是谁的字典的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Whose dictionary is this

Dictionaries play an important role in learning. Whether in Chinese learning or English learning, when we encounter new words in need of help, dictionaries are our other teachers. Dictionaries are the best way to get help.

The dictionary will tell us the pronunciation of a word, what it means and how to form a phrase or sentence. It will tell us to have similar meaning or pronunciation. With the development of dictionaries, there are various dictionaries.

The electronic dictionary is a new dictionary which is very popular with students because it is easy to use and carry. However, we should use the dictionary correctly and not always rely on the dictionary Sometimes we don't have to look up every new word in the dictionary, but guess the meaning according to the context. In addition, some small dictionaries or electronic dictionaries are not comprehensive enough, and authoritative dictionaries are the best.





Dictionaries play an important role in learning. Whether in Chinese learning or English learning, dictionaries are our other teachers. When we meet new words in need of help, dictionaries are the best choice to get help.

Dictionaries will tell us the way words are pronounced, what they mean, and how to form a phrase or sentence. They will tell us that they have similar meaning or pronunciation. With the development of dictionaries, there are various dictionaries.

Electronic dictionaries are a new kind of dictionaries because they are easy to use and carry. However, we should use dictionaries correctly, not always rely on dictionaries, sometimes I We don't have to look up every new word in the dictionary, but guess the meaning according to the context. In addition, some small dictionaries or electronic dictionaries are not comprehensive enough, and authoritative dictionaries are the best.




About the telephone dictionary, many people use it to look up words. I know it's very convenient. We can put it in our bag or pocket.

We can take it anywhere. In addition, many telephone dictionaries have many other functions. For example, we can write down the timetable in it, and store some important information in it, such as the address of friends.

On the other hand, we may rely on the telephone dictionary, that is, when we encounter a new word in reading, we will refer to it without thinking So it makes us lazy.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/4o176vo3.html

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