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关于”写划船“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Write boating。以下是关于写划船的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write boating

My name is Tony I. I am a student. I like boating very much.

On Sundays, I often go boating with my good friends in the park. The water in the river is clean and the weather is fine. Sitting on the boat, we often tell stories or make jokes.

I teach them rowing, and I am happy to help others.




Three men were sitting on a bench in the park, one in the middle was reading a newspaper, and the others pretended to be fishing. They use the imaginary hook, drop the line, roll up the line, and a passing policeman stops to watch the scene and asks if the man sitting in the middle knows the other two people. Oh, yes, they are my friends.

In this case, the officer warned him that you'd better get them out of here. Yes, sir, he started rowing fiercely.




My life was very busy last week. On Monday, I read two books and wrote a letter to my old friend. On Tuesday, I cleaned the house, watered the flowers in the garden and washed my own clothes.

I also went online and visited an old friend over the weekend. Last week was a busy but happy week for me.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/2peyv1o5.html

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