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关于”vr眼镜“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:VR glasses。以下是关于vr眼镜的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:VR glasses

Myopia lens myopia (from Greek: μ Γ ω πί α myopia "myopia" also known as myopia, is a refractive defect of the eye, when the adjustment is relaxed, the collimating light produces image focus in front of the retina = sunglasses or sunglasses is a visual aid tool, not the same name is called glasses or glasses, its characteristics are to prevent strong light to the eye and coloring, polarizing or Darkened lenses were also known as sun trackers in the early 20th century.


近视眼晶状体近视(源于希腊语:μΓωπία近视“近视”也称为近视,是眼睛的一种屈光缺陷,当调节放松时,准直光在视网膜前产生图像焦点=太阳镜太阳镜或太阳镜是一种视觉辅助工具,不同名称为眼镜或眼镜,其特点是为了防止强光照射到眼睛而着色、偏光或变暗的镜片在20世纪早期也被称为sun trackers(作弊者是美国对眼镜的俚语)。


Glasses are used to protect or help our eyesight, so if we don't want to wear any shortsighted or hyperopia glasses, we must protect our eyes. However, I still suggest that people wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from ultraviolet radiation. If not, our eyes may be damaged by ultraviolet radiation.

You can't enjoy watching girls or boys without spectacular scenes.




Although Nelson Mandela's great political character is a good movie, "never say die" is a great political character, but its strong political factors also involve British football. From the side display, it interprets the wisdom and charm of a great political leader, and skillfully explains what Obama, the leader of a country, should want to do, what to do, how to do There is a classic line of "and now" for the leading candidate. After he won the election, the senator said it very simply.

But the characteristics of democratic politics reveal the impiety through the never compromise mentality, but remember what the ancestors taught: everything is in vain.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/2pey11e5.html

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