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关于”华南虎“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Southern China tiger。以下是关于华南虎的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Southern China tiger

South China tiger, also known as "Chinese Tiger", is a unique tiger species in China. It lives in the south central part of China. Its distinguishing features are round head, short ears, big limbs, long tail, white chest and abdomen.

The tiger subspecies, covered with yellow and orange black stripes, is the smallest tiger, about meters (plus head) and weighs about kg. Cihu is about meters and weighs about kg. There is also a short and narrow stripe on the long tail hair.

The distance between the stripes is stronger than that of Bengal tiger and Siberian tiger. There are also rhombic side outlines. Most people living in the mountain forest live alone, not in groups.

They have a developed sense of smell at night. They move quickly and are good at swimming. However, we can't climb trees and herbivores eat wild boar, deer, roe and so on.

A tiger can live at least square kilometers There must also be deer, antelope and boar to survive.




(Siberian tiger) Siberian tiger (also known as the northeast tiger, Korean tiger, Manchuria tiger or North China tiger) is the largest and most powerful subspecies of the cat family that exists naturally. The Siberian tiger is almost completely confined to a very limited area in eastern Russia, the amurusuri region of primoli and Khabarovsk. It shares the position with the Siberian leopard.

At present, some Siberian tiger populations in China are under active protection. The number of tigers in xihotellin is still increasing, despite the occurrence of vehicles on a single road across its territory However, due to frequent road inspection, illegal poaching has been controlled. It is said that there are still tigers in Changbai Mountain Area of China.

Due to the decline of the total number of wild tigers, many subpopulations may not be genetically feasible. However, due to potential catastrophic inbreeding, Russia's conservation work has led to the revival of subspecies. In the past decade, PRI, Russia The number of individuals in morski increased from to, indicating a positive growth.

In the past few years, Siberian tigers have been able to weigh pounds, kilograms or more. Scientists believe that these cats can weigh up to pounds and kilograms, but the previous range is mainly based on hunter's estimation. Siberian tigers are different from other tigers in that their fur is lighter and dark brown, rather than black stripes.

They are good at hunting. They mainly prey on red deer, wild boars, roe deer, sika deer and goats, a kind of goat like animal, but It also preys on smaller prey, such as hares, rabbits and salmon. Sometimes people even know that they will kill and eat the Asian black bear, because it is estimated that the Siberian tiger's diet is composed of red deer and wild boar.

To protect these animals and other preyed animals from illegal hunting, the survival of the tiger may be as heavy as preventing the direct killing of the sometimes passing great katsbrian tiger Breeding a white Siberian tiger from a Bengal tiger is usually the result of this cross breeding, and it is not clear whether a pure white Siberian tiger named Hodori was chosen to represent the Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea.




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