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关于”为了更美好的生活“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:For a better life。以下是关于为了更美好的生活的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:For a better life

In the first years of this century, there was a striking difference between people living on farms and people living in rural towns and villages. People in cities don't understand these differences, but people in cities and farmers are very positive about them. People in cities and towns regard the people who live on farms as more slow, stuttering and uncivilized than themselves.

Although they are powerful, they are also a little docile. Farmers think that people living in cities and towns have a relaxed life and can not survive in the situation of tenacity, independence and lifelong efforts. Although people work long hours, they still believe that the factories, shops or any other jobs in the town are very long, and the wages are very low.

Many houses in the town have no running water, toilet and electricity. To some extent, it is right because the people in the town rest on Sunday, Wednesday or Saturday afternoon, the farmers do not, and the people in the town are not totally wrong, because the countryside is not When the servants go to church in the city, they are often very stiff and shy. Women have never been as enterprising and confident as the city women in the shops.

However, the rural children who come here for high school or continuing education, although they may get good grades, will have successful career in the future, they are hardly elected as the chairman of Literary Association or class Even money doesn't make much difference. Farmers still maintain a certain pride and cautious reserve. In front of the public, they can buy serafi.





On the contrary, the study of body weight and body weight will make you feel better if you are under the condition of physical and mental health Fat, too much fat can lead to diabetes, hypertension and other life-threatening diseases. Therefore, exercise helps to prevent these unpleasant worries, make our life better and brighter, exercise shapes a healthy lifestyle.




Exercise makes life better exercise she works out two or three times a week.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/1e7nryon.html

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