关于”写算盘“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Write an abacus。以下是关于写算盘的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Write an abacus
The abacus was invented by Confucius in China. Now it has a long history. Let me tell you how the abacus was invented.
Confucius was a citizen of the state of Lu. The king wanted him to take care of the state's finance. Confucius was not very good at this point.
So he made mistakes repeatedly. His wife taught him how to solve this problem. Confucius tied a knot on the rope, that is, money entered When the money came, it was tied.
When the money went out, it was untied. Confucius developed it into a ball on a pole with a frame. The ancient abacus was born at that time.
Since then, the world began to use it to calculate, and even now many people use it, and some collect old abacus, because the abacus has a long history and is very famous in the world.
Abacus, also known as abacus, is a kind of calculation tool mainly used by Asians for arithmetic operation. Nowadays, abacus is usually built into a wooden frame with beads sliding on wire, but originally they were beads or stones moving in sand or chips or grooves in stone. Abacus or metal abacus was used centuries before the modern written numeral system was adopted, and it is still widely used by merchants and employees in China, Japan, Africa, India and other places Use.
The person who uses the abacus is called an abacus master. He or she slides the abacus beads by hand.
Molly and I are very good to the children, cheerful and intelligent. My friend Molly is quiet and athletic. I'm good at telling jokes.
Molly likes reading books because we are far away from the abacus learning center. I live a few kilometers away from the abacus learning center. It only takes a few minutes to ride a bicycle from my home to the abacus research center Just a few kilometers from the abacus Research Center, it's only a few minutes by bus and subway.
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