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关于”求职中的求职信“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Cover letter in job application。以下是关于求职中的求职信的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cover letter in job application

Mr. Barbara a Anderson briar patch path Carlton woods, WA March Keith B Cunningham, vice president of human resources Geosciences, Williamstown, Kentucky, dear Mr. Cunningham: I am enclosing my resume of the position of employment director.

If you have a vacancy for this position, I believe your qualifications and mine will be very attractive. My qualifications include a master's degree in industrial relations from Michigan State University and many years of human resources experience, including Russell at Drexel elector in recent years Executive hiring manager at jreynolds, one of the world's leading executive search companies, and I have also managed the wealth employment division, recruiting administrative, managerial and professional staff in all functional areas. I have a reputation for cost-effective, timely and high-quality recruitment.

If you are looking for a knowledgeable professional to manage your company's recruitment function, I am very proficient in behavior based interviewing and evaluation methods. I hope you can call me so that we can discuss your requirements and my contribution to your company. Sincerely Barbara Anderson attachment.


BARBARA A ANDERSON Briar Patch path Carlton woods,WA March Keith B Cunningham先生,人力资源地球科学公司副总裁肯塔基州威廉斯敦,肯塔基州威廉斯敦,敬爱的坎宁安先生:随函附上我的就业总监职位简历。如果你有这个职位的空缺,我相信你我的资历会很吸引人我的资历包括密歇根州立大学的劳资关系硕士学位,有多年的人力资源经验,其中包括近几年在Drexel Elector担任Russell JReynolds的行政雇佣经理,这是一家国际首屈一指的高管猎头公司我还管理过财富就业部门,负责招聘各类职能领域的行政、管理和专业员工。我在成本效益、及时和高质量的招聘方面享有盛誉,如果你想找一个知识渊博的专业人士来管理你的公司招聘职能,我对基于行为的面试和评估方法非常精通,我希望您能给我打电话,以便我们讨论您的要求和我能为贵公司做出的贡献,真诚的芭芭拉·安得逊附件。


Name address phone no home phone no email add Objective: a sales management or business development position, my strategy and consulting, sales, cross-cultural relationship building, team facilitation, business management, organizational insight, advanced technical skills will be constantly challenged. I am eager for the responsibility of senior management and seek a company that embraces growth and change , to provide a higher level of responsibility to those with proven potential to sum up experience, with compensation based on performance and increased levels of responsibility. Corporate sales executive financial services has just begun an exciting new position, and the vertical penetration of sales data integration solutions to insurance and financial services will attempt to update the EAPA computer background language soon A dynamic, articulate, talented leader, manager and sales professional can inspire self-confidence and respect, quickly master ideas and concepts, be good at organizing complex projects, identify or create solutions to problems, believe in setting and achieving goals, have integrity and a commitment to high-quality performance, and generate lasting value Value for excellence.




Dear sir, in response to your advertisement in Qinnan daily, I am 20 years old. I am about to graduate from vocational school. At the same time, I majored in business management.

I have studied English for more than eight years. In the past three years, I am familiar with computer operation. I am one of the editors of our student newspaper, which makes me have rich experience in writing and editing I believe I am qualified for the Secretary's work.

I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications and your needs. Thank you for your time and consideration, Zhang Hong.



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