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关于”对未来的希望“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Hope for the future。以下是关于对未来的希望的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Hope for the future

After a hundred years of "bell", I woke up from my dream with a loud ring. I looked at the calendar beside my bed. You and I had been sleeping for 100 years.

Now I look all over the place. "Why are all the furnishings in the house? What about the furniture?" I suddenly said to myself a slight rustling sound, as if the furniture suddenly appeared in front of me. I was eager to go out and have a look outside What happened to the world, but I couldn't open the door.

I was so angry that I lost myself in a fog and kicked the door hard. At this time, the door was talking, "master, as long as you say 'please open the door' on the list, I can't understand the voice:" please open the door. "I really opened the door and said," this is my housekeeping skill.

If there's a bad person coming, I'll trap him, and the police "I just went down the elevator, A beautiful robot came to me. She said that she called cabby, it was my robot service, where I would like to ask and tell her: "please take me to happy summer camp." she took me to a happy summer camp. There were many children crying, crying, laughing and playing with all kinds of novel toys.

The service robot stood by and looked at their little master, and I found that there were some on the bed A colorful border, so I've been squeezing for dozens of minutes. Later, I came to the office to tell stories and listen to robot stories with the children. About an hour later, I was hungry.

I wanted to look for a restaurant service robot. My business cards were more than mine. I took my hand and said, "little master, I'll take you to the restaurant door." I came to the clean and bright restaurant It's delicious.

Has it been put on the table for a long time. I've already arranged lunch for me. After I finished my meal, I opened the window to breathe.

A grain of sand came into my eyes. Hey, how can I still be a dream on the table in bed.




My future sometimes I think about my future, but I'm always a little afraid, because I don't know what kind of person I will be. In the future, I know that my ambition is to be a famous musician, because I want to give people a lot of interesting music. When you are sad, music can help you, when you are bored, music can help you when you are nervous When I was a little girl, music can help you.

I like music very much, and I also like playing violin and piano. I still like it. Learning music is a good way to relax.

I don't need fashionable music. I don't need everyone to like it. I know it's not easy to be a good musician, but I will work hard to think that I can music Is my friend, I hope my future is happy, I hope everyone has a beautiful future.




Students, you will know an imagination of the future world, listen to my delusion of the future book, will be able to pronunciation, guidance, text, words, sentences, will explain to you, until you will reduce the workload of the teacher, will make the teacher overworked car must be able to fly, solar energy, the light of the moon can charge it, television does not use remote control, as long as If you want to slow it down, you can press the circle, the slide becomes rough, and you can play a can of music on the slide, and play games in daily life, such as clothes that can dispute, can automatically adjust the temperature, hot on the same day It will cool down, we won't get heatstroke, it will raise the temperature, we won't have a cold to eat, we only have a tabloid size, eat one piece, do not need to eat other things for a month, I hope in vain that the future will be different from what you think.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/0ro930on.html

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