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关于”以我的笔友为题写一篇“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Write an article about my pen pal。以下是关于以我的笔友为题写一篇的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write an article about my pen pal

My penpell is from America. She lives in Washington. She is a good girl.

She is an outstanding person. She has many hobbies, reading books, playing basketball, playing computer games and singing. She can play the piano very well.

She wants to be a musician. Do you know her name? Her name is Mary. She looks like my pen pal.

do you like my pen pal? Please call Mary[.




On the way home, Li Lei picked up a pen that he thought was Wang Lin, because he knew that Wang Lin had such a pen. Li Lei took it to Wang Lin and realized that this pen was not Wang Lin's. they thought it might be Li Ming's, because they had seen Liu Ming use it before.




My pen pal is called Alice. She is very beautiful. I like to chat with her.

She is a good listener. She comes from America. We often write her favorite subject to her.

Because her English teacher is very good, she often tells me interesting things about her school, so I and I are very happy that I have this lovely pen pal.



本文网址: https://yyzw.hanshaobo.com/article/0ae814oy.html

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